jewelry as sacred object

with Maha Rose founder, Lisa Levine
Thursday, May 14th
3pm - 5:30pm

jewelry as sacred object

What we wear has meaning.

What we wear close to our body affects our mood, our being and how we feel about ourselves.

I was a jewelry designer before I was a healer.

Jewelry is Healing!

Come and make your own talisman, necklace, earrings or bracelet.

We will supply the materials: chain, wire, beads and crystals.

We will inbue your intention into your piece. Then you will create it.

Jewelry is Magic!

Come and Create.


Lisa levine

Lisa Levine MS LAc is a licensed acupuncturist, reiki master, a natural healer, artist and the founder of Maha Rose. She wants you to remember who you really are; letting go of everything that isn't serving you and connecting with your more radiant Self.

She’s been making jewelry since she was nine years old.