return to your authentic self: a Family Constellations journey
with Janet Namaste
Thursday, January 30th
Maha Rose Brooklyn
Return to Your Authentic Self: A Family Constellations Journey
Constellation work is a profound exploration of the invisible threads that connect us to our ancestors and shape our present. Developed by German psychotherapist Bert Hellinger in the 1990s, this alternative therapeutic approach blends Zulu wisdom with Western psychological insights, offering a unique path to healing and self-discovery.
What is Family & Systemic Constellation work?
At its core, Family & Systemic Constellation work is based on the understanding that many of our life challenges are rooted in unresolved issues within our family system. This approach recognizes that we are part of a larger "family soul" that transcends time and individual experience, encompassing the stories, traumas, and triumphs of our ancestors.
Participants enter a sacred circle where collective awareness creates what practitioners call "the Knowing Field." In this liminal space, the boundaries of time and individual experience blur, allowing access to the deeper currents of our family soul.
How does it work? What to expect?
In a constellation session, a "seeker" brings an issue or question to explore. The facilitator guides the process of setting up a living representation of the seeker's family system or situation within the circle. Other participants or objects are chosen to represent key elements or people related to the issue.
As the constellation unfolds, representatives follow their intuitive impulses, moving and speaking in ways that often reveal hidden dynamics within the system. These movements, which Hellinger called "movements of the soul," can lead to profound insights and healing opportunities.
During our workshop, we will focus on breaking patterns that have made us feel stuck, engaging in in-depth healing through Family & Systemic Constellations. If you wish to have your own Constellation set up, come prepared with a major personal issue you're currently facing. This doesn't necessarily need to be directly connected to a family issue.
The beauty of constellation work lies in its ripple effect. Whether you're the focal point of a constellation or participating in someone else's, the healing potential is profound for all participants. Someone else's issue might resonate deeply with your own system, consciously or unconsciously, offering unexpected insights and opportunities for growth.
The People & The Process
Trained facilitators lead constellations in group or individual settings. The process begins with the seeker choosing representatives for elements of their system and intuitively placing them in relation to each other within the circle.
The facilitator then asks representatives to report on their experiences – physical sensations, thoughts, or emotions. Through this process, disruptions or imbalances in the system come to light, along with opportunities for healing. The facilitator gently guides the movements and suggests healing statements to help shift the system towards harmony.
Constellations can last anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. As witnesses, clients see their internalized experiences externalized, often gaining new awareness impossible through conscious thought alone. The healing that emerges may continue to unfold over days or weeks as changes integrate into the client's life and system.
Being a representative offers its own benefits, connecting participants with subtle energies and expanding their experience of humanity. This "representative perception" is an intuitive capacity that everyone can tap into, often described as a mystical experience.
Join Janet Namaste for a transformative exploration of Family & Systemic Constellation work. In this powerful session, we'll dive deep into the hidden dynamics that shape our lives and learn how to break free from limiting patterns, guided by her expertise and intuitive approach.
Janet Namaste brings 25+ years of experience and a deep understanding of ancestral healing to this workshop. Her gentle guidance will help you navigate the profound waters of your family soul, uncovering insights and pathways to transformation. Remember, whether you're chosen to have your own constellation or participate as a representative, the healing potential is profound for all. Come ready to witness, support, and be part of a collective journey towards greater clarity, purpose, and alignment with your true self under Janet's expert facilitation.
By engaging in this soul work, we open doors to new possibilities, breaking free from limiting patterns and aligning with our authentic selves. Constellation work reminds us that we are never truly alone – we carry within us the strength, wisdom, and love of countless generations. Join us as we step into the fullness of who we are meant to be, creating a path to a future unburdened by the weight of the past.
Family and Systemic Constellations
Thursday, January 30th
Maha Rose
200 Columbia street
Brooklyn, NY 11231
$175: For a Personal Constellation + Being a Representative (3 spots available) You will have your own constellation, in addition to also representing for other’s constellations.
$85: For Being a Representative Only In this option, you will only be representing. This is great for first timers or if you are not sure if you are ready to do a personal constellation.
cancellation policy: account credit or refunds are available if requested 72 hours prior to the event, less a 10% service fee.
Janet Namaste
Celebrity Intuitive Healer, Janet Namaste, is gifted in the innate ability to help people discover their life’s purpose and develop practical strategies to claim their destiny. A skilled Clairvoyant, Claircognizant, Clairaudient, Clairsentient, and a Master Energy Healer with over 25 years of professional experience, she has empowered and aided the transformations of thousands globally to become aligned with their innate truth. She is a Spiritual Teacher, Thought Leader, Intuitive Consultant, Host of Raw Real Talks, Founder of The Destiny Blueprint Program, Soul Star Membership, and Founder of The Conscious Healer’s Academy, an international program for healing professionals that help raise the consciousness of the world. She is also a skilled hypnotherapist, specializing in regression therapy trained by World Renowned Dr. Brian Weiss. In her numerous speaker engagements, Janet is known for her nurturing yet keeping it real candor, and her humorous and grounded delivery that continues to inspire people globally. Whether it’s through her seminars or private consultations, she is highly praised for her natural ability to help people understand their life’s purpose and develop practical strategies for their destiny with truth and grace.